Monday 18 February 2013

Confirming Pregnancy

Pregnancy is considered to start right from the moment the sperm fertilises the egg inside the female's uterus. It is, however, diagnosed or realised much later. Amenorrhea or a missed period is the first and foremost symptom; for a girl with a 28-day menstrual cycle, if the cycles do not return even after 45 days, then tests can be done to confirm pregnancy. During amenorrhea, we tend to experience a wave of nausea quite frequently during the day, sometimes resulting in vomitings. I also experienced severe pain in the lower abdomen. In olden days, pregnancy was confirmed by checking the girl's pulse or naadi known as garbha naadi. These days, home pregnancy test kits are available. I used the Velocit Kit, a product of Dr. Reddy's lab. This is basically a urine test to detect the presence of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in the urine. This hCG is secreted in a pregnant woman's urine, whereas it is absent in a normal person's urine; so, if the urine test is positive for hCG, then chances are that the woman is pregnant. However, please note that this cannot be completely relied upon as certain hormonal disorders may also test positive for hCG in the urine. So, it is always best practice to consult a gynaecologist and confirm your pregnancy. This usually involves a blood test, urine gravindex test and, of course, an ultrasound scan to check the heart rate of the foetus. Now, you are ready to announce your pregnancy to your near and dear!!!

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Pregnancy test using Velocit home pregnancy kit

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