Friday 7 February 2014

The Third Trimester

So, you have come to the last few months of your pregnancy. Your foetus can now be called a baby. Your baby bump grows at a quicker pace compared to the first two trimesters. You might start feeling heavier than before. Your near and dear can actually see the baby movement as your tummy shakes and bounces (slowly), which is a really exciting time for all your close ones. As the date for the baby delivery nears, your tummy tapers down, giving a sensation of pulling downwards. Do not panic. This is absolutely normal, and signals only the nearing of your delivery date. It does not mean that you have got your labour pain. Real labour pain lasts for around 20 minutes, and then disappears, and then again shows intermittently. Any other brief episode of abdomen pain may be false pain.
Some women can experience leaking of "colostrum", the pro-milk, from their breasts. Your baby bump grows rapidly and can push up against the bottom of the ribs, which can actually cause breathlessness, heaviness and also can cause sleep disturbances. By the end of the third trimester, your weight could have increased by 9 to 12 kg. By the 9th month, you can start anticipating the arrival of your little one!

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